Source code for deeppy.parameter

import numpy as np
import cudarray as ca
from .base import PickleMixin
from .filler import Filler

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Parameter(PickleMixin): def __init__(self, fill, name='', learn_rate=1.0, weight_decay=0.0, monitor=False): self.filler = Filler.from_any(fill) = name self.learn_rate = learn_rate self._monitor = monitor self.weight_decay = weight_decay self._array = None self._tmp_grad_array = None self._tmp_step = None self.shares = [] @classmethod
[docs] def from_any(cls, arg): if isinstance(arg, Parameter): return arg elif isinstance(arg, (int, float, np.ndarray, ca.ndarray, Filler)): return cls(arg) raise ValueError('Invalid parameter arguments')
def _setup(self, shape): if self._array is None: self._array = self.filler.array(shape) else: if isinstance(shape, int): shape = (shape,) if self._array.shape != shape: raise ValueError('Shape %s does not match existing shape %s' % (shape, self._array.shape)) @property def array(self): return self._array @property def grad_array(self): ''' Returns the gradient array. ''' if self._tmp_grad_array is None: self._tmp_grad_array = ca.empty_like(self.array) return self._tmp_grad_array
[docs] def grad(self): ''' Returns a parameter step calculated from the gradient. This differs from grad_array() as the parameter may be shared such that its gradient has multiple sources. ''' grad = self.grad_array for param in self.shares: grad += param.grad_array return grad
[docs] def step(self, step): ''' Update the parameter values according to the given step. ''' if self._monitor: self._tmp_step = step self._array += step
[docs] def penalty(self): if self.weight_decay == 0.0: return None else: return 2*self.weight_decay * self._array
[docs] def monitor(self): if not self._monitor: return val_mean_abs = np.array(ca.mean(ca.fabs(self._array))) grad_mean_abs = np.array(ca.mean(ca.fabs(self._tmp_grad_array))) step_mean_abs = np.array(ca.mean(ca.fabs(self._tmp_step)))'%s:\t%.1e [%.1e, %.1e]',, val_mean_abs, grad_mean_abs, step_mean_abs)
[docs] def share(self): param = SharedParameter(self) self.shares.append(param) return param
[docs]class SharedParameter(Parameter): def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self._tmp_grad_array = None def _setup(self, shape): pass # Wrap parent Parameter methods def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in self.__dict__: return getattr(self, attr) return getattr(self.parent, attr)