Contributor guide

DeepPy is under active development – contributions are more than welcome!

You can reach us by

Bug reports

Please report any bugs you might encounter by opening a new GitHub issue. Remember to check previous issues for duplicates.

Feature requests

Feel free to suggest new features. However, the chance that a feature gets implemented is low as the active authors are busy.

Pull requests

Fixes and improvements are most welcome. If you intend to extend DeepPy with larger ideas, please contact us as early as possible to get feedback. We wouldn’t want you spending time on something that does not fit within the scope of DeepPy.

How to pull request

  1. Fork DeepPy on Github.
  2. Start a new feature branch by branching off from master.
  3. Develop your desired feature
  4. Send your pull request on Github to DeepPy’s master. Feel free to do this even though your feature is not ready yet. This allows you to get early feedback.
  5. Remember to keep your feature branch up-to-date with the latest master. This is where your feature will be merged when it is ready.